CADDY is a collaborative project funded by the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme FP7 - Challenge 2: Cognitive Systems and Robotics - under grant agreement n° 611373.

Small or medium-scale focused research project (STREP)
Duration: 36 months (January 2014 – December 2016)
Budget: 4.881.103 € (EU contribution 3.679.931 €)
Final review meeting

EVENTS / 2nd CADDY Workshop


Date: 18 - 19 June 2015


Location: IST, Lisbon, Portugal




Download the programme here.


2nd CADDY workshop is organized as a part of the EMRA'15 - Workshop on EU-funded Marine Robotics and Applications and it will be held from 18 till 19 June 2015 in Lisbon, Portugal. Founders of this new workshop are coordinators of four FP7 projects related to marine robotics: CADDYMORPHARROWS and PANDORA

Researchers and end-users of marine robotics technology are invited to attend EMRA’15. The workshop will summarize current EU FP7 and H2020 projects on marine robotics and provide a platform for marine stakeholders to share and discuss current technological challenges and achievements.

To researchers, EMRA’15 will offer the opportunity to disseminate current work and highlight new application areas that warrant further R&D effort. To marine stakeholders, EMRA’15 will allow for the cross-fertilization of ideas and offer novel approaches to meet future challenges in ocean exploration and exploitation.

The workshop aims to contribute to building bridges in marine robotics research, fostering cross fertilization of ideas between marine science and technology and commercial applications, and giving new momentum to outreach activities.
There is tight coupling between individual FP7 and H2020 projects and their intended applications audience, yet the technologies developed are applicable well beyond the original motivating problems. Currently, in order for marine technology stakeholders to fully digest the results of EU marine research requires that they attend too many overly technical, and often overly specific individual workshops. As a contribution to overcoming this situation, EMRA’15 will condense an exciting range of cutting edge research developments into a single, all encompassing, manageable event.




EC Projects Presentations

  • euRathlon
  • WiMUST
  • DexROV
  • Marine UAS
  • subCULTron

Invited Talks

  • Dana Yoerger, WHOI, USA – Mapping the seafloor in rough terrain with AUVs: mission planning versus real-time responses
  • Jorge Relvas and Fernando Barriga, FCUL, Lisbon, PT – Challenges of seabed mining in a sustainable world: let’s do it right!
  • Francisco Almeida, TEKEVER, Lisbon, PT – UAVs for Marine Applications
  • Henrique Duarte, GEOSURVEYS, Aveiro, PT – The future of autonomous marine vehicles in Ultra High Resolution Seismic reflection surveys (UHRS)
  • Konstantin Kebkal, EVOLOGICS, DE – Easily deployable autonomous hydro-acoustic assets for highly mobile and flexible arrangements (underwater sensor networks, testbeds, and integrated USV and AUV robotic components)
  • Pedro Afonso and Jorge Fontes, UAzores, IMAR/DOP, Horta, Faial, PT – Marine Megafauna Telemetry Systems
  • David Lane, Edinburgh Centre for Robotics and Ocean Systems Laboratory, Heriot-Watt University (EURobotics Board Member 2013 – 15) – SPARC: Report from the EURobotics Board, Future Possibilities in H2020 Robotics PPP
  • António Sarmento, WAVEC, Lisbon, Portugal – Marine Technology Challenges and Opportunities in relation to Marine Renewable Energy
  • Robin Sharphouse, Blueprint, Ulverston, UK – Developments in robust acoustic positioning and communications
  • Ricardo Martins, Oceanscan, Porto, PT – The Light Autonomous Underwater Vehicle – Past, Present & Future
  • Pere Ridao, Univ. Girona, Girona, ES – Intervention AUVs: Experiences and Challenges
  • Alessio Turetta, Graal Tech, Genova, IT – AUV Technology: from concept to commercialization
  • Rui Caldeira, CIIMAR, Porto, PT –Measuring small island-induced processes: Tech-savvy approaches
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