CADDY is a collaborative project funded by the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme FP7 - Challenge 2: Cognitive Systems and Robotics - under grant agreement n° 611373.

Small or medium-scale focused research project (STREP)
Duration: 36 months (January 2014 – December 2016)
Budget: 4.881.103 € (EU contribution 3.679.931 €)
Software integration trials, review meeting and demo

EVENTS / Diver recording trials


Padua, Italy, June 2-5 2014


Second data gathering trial was in Padua, Italy, at Y-40 The Deep Joy pool. The focus of this trial was on diver posture and behaviour estimation with DiverNet and video. 



Pag, Croatia, May 12-15 2014


Initial data gathering experiment was conducted in Caska on island of Pag, Croatia. Stereo camera, multi-beam sonar and DiverNet were used in tests with six divers.

© 2014 CADDY - FER