CADDY is a collaborative project funded by the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme FP7 - Challenge 2: Cognitive Systems and Robotics - under grant agreement n° 611373.

Small or medium-scale focused research project (STREP)
Duration: 36 months (January 2014 – December 2016)
Budget: 4.881.103 € (EU contribution 3.679.931 €)
Caska trials, Pag, May 12-15 2014

ABOUT CADDY / Advisory Board


Marcus Cardew (United Kingdom) has large experience in diver tracking and acoustic communication. He is well linked with the industry (being a former Technical director of an ROV manufacturing company and former Managing Director of a company producing underwater survey and sensor equipment) and can significantly contribute in exploitation. 
Prof. Robin Murphy (Texas A&M University, USA) is an expert in search and rescue robotics and has participated in actions following major 15 out of 26 major disasters around the world since 2001. She will assist in the CADDY exploitation in the United States and will be the link to the stakeholders in the underwater search and rescue industry. Also, she will be in charge of assessing the progress of the validation trial related to the search and recovery mission.   

Prof. Irena Radić Rossi (University of Zadar, Croatia) is an experienced underwater archaeologist who is tightly linked with the scientific diver community, specifically those involved with operational diving. She will be in charge of assessing the progress of the validation task related to underwater archaeology.
  Rade Vađunec (OXY – Polyclinic for Hyperbaric and Occupational Medicine, Croatia) is an experienced underwater technologist and diver, and an ex diver of the Croatian navy and is currently involved in the underwater industry dealing with diving related medical problems. He will significantly contribute to exploitation effort in his field of expertise.
Prof. Gianluca Antonelli (University of Cassino, Italy) is an expert in multi-robot systems who perfectly complements the Advisory Board. He was the scientific coordinator of a recently finished CO3AUV project related to underwater robotics, where the issue of divers interacting with robots was identified. Currently he is participating in the FP7 ARCAS project related to cooperative assembly systems. He also participated in the scientific Advisory Board of a related TRIDENT project.


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