CADDY is a collaborative project funded by the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme FP7 - Challenge 2: Cognitive Systems and Robotics - under grant agreement n° 611373.

Small or medium-scale focused research project (STREP)
Duration: 36 months (January 2014 – December 2016)
Budget: 4.881.103 € (EU contribution 3.679.931 €)
ARCA 2014


Final review meeting

Final review meeting (Pictures: 48)

3rd March 2017, Zagreb (HR)

Final validation trials

Final validation trials (Pictures: 24)

System integration and test with divers.

10th - 22nd October 2016, Biograd na Moru (Croatia)

Breaking the Surface 2016

Breaking the Surface 2016 (Pictures: 32)

CADDY demonstration at BtS 2016 held 2nd - 9th October in Biograd na Moru (Croatia)

Rijeka Nautic Show, 23rd until 25th September 2016 in Rijeka, Croatia

Rijeka Nautic Show, 23rd until 25th September 2016 in Rijeka, Croatia (Pictures: 17)

Rijeka Nautic Show judges awarded UNIZG FER LABUST with  an Innovation Award for its showcased products!

EMRA'16 - 3rd CADDY workshop

EMRA'16 - 3rd CADDY workshop (Pictures: 13)

14th - 15th June 2016, Newcaste (UK)

Open door event: JobFair for students

Open door event: JobFair for students (Pictures: 15)

9 - 10 May 2016, Zagreb (HR)

Software integration trials, review meeting and demo

Software integration trials, review meeting and demo (Pictures: 37)

Lisbon, Portugal from February 25th to March 4th 2016

Event Morski utorak, Zadar (Croatia), 26.04.2016.

Event Morski utorak, Zadar (Croatia), 26.04.2016. (Pictures: 5)

Morski utorak - series of lectures with the themes related to life in the sea

European Robotics Forum - ERF 2016

European Robotics Forum - ERF 2016 (Pictures: 15)


Oceanology International, London (UK)

Oceanology International, London (UK) (Pictures: 8)

CADDY presented alongside more than 500 exhibitors. Oceanology International 2016 was held from 15 until 17 March.

First CADDY trials and presentation at workshop Breaking the Surface

First CADDY trials and presentation at workshop Breaking the Surface (Pictures: 53)

First trials were conducted from 1st till 18th October 2015 in Biograd na Moru, Croatia alongside Breaking the Surface workshop.

European Researchers' Night in Split, Croatia

European Researchers' Night in Split, Croatia (Pictures: 15)

CADDY presentation at the European Researchers' Night on 25th September 2015 in Split, Croatia

University of Zagreb Fair, Croatia

University of Zagreb Fair, Croatia (Pictures: 20)

CADDY presentation at the University of Zagreb Fair from 12th till 14th November 2015, Croatia.

2nd CADDY Workshop - EMRA '15

2nd CADDY Workshop - EMRA '15 (Pictures: 7)

2nd CADDY workshop is organized as a part of the EMRA'15 - Workshop on EU-funded Marine Robotics and Applications that was held from 18 till 19 June 2015 in Lisbon, Portugal.

OCEANS'15 Genova Conference

OCEANS'15 Genova Conference (Pictures: 10)


1st Review meeting

1st Review meeting (Pictures: 8)

1st Review meeting took place 5th February 2015 in Padua, Italy

Breaking the Surface 2014

Breaking the Surface 2014 (Pictures: 20)


Researchers night, Zagreb 26th September 2014

Researchers night, Zagreb 26th September 2014 (Pictures: 6)


Experiments in Lora Navy base, September 23- October 2 2014

Experiments in Lora Navy base, September 23- October 2 2014 (Pictures: 16)

Experiments in Lora Navy base, September 23- October 2 2014

Experiments in Lora Navy base, June 23- July 2 2014

Experiments in Lora Navy base, June 23- July 2 2014 (Pictures: 39)


Padua trials, June 2-5 2014

Padua trials, June 2-5 2014 (Pictures: 17)

Data gathering in Padua, Italy, at Y-40 pool.

ARCA 2014

ARCA 2014 (Pictures: 6)

ARCA 2014

Caska trials, Pag, May 12-15 2014

Caska trials, Pag, May 12-15 2014 (Pictures: 27)

 Initial data gathering in Caska, island of Pag.

Kick off meeting, Zagreb 23.-24.1.2014.

Kick off meeting, Zagreb 23.-24.1.2014. (Pictures: 24)


Pre-kick off meeting

Pre-kick off meeting (Pictures: 7)

Pre-kick off meeting

© 2014 CADDY - FER